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Tips to Grow Your Savings for Your New Year’s Resolution Tips to Grow Your Savings for Your New Year’s Resolution
If it’s one of your resolutions this year to grow your savings account, then you’re going to need a few tips on saving money.... Tips to Grow Your Savings for Your New Year’s Resolution

If it’s one of your resolutions this year to grow your savings account, then you’re going to need a few tips on saving money. It can be difficult to go from spending frivolously to learning to actually save and grow your money. However, there are some simple steps you can take to help grow your savings and get in better habits when it comes to money. Today we’re going to help you keep your New Year’s resolution by showing you some ways to save like a pro!

Tips to Grow Your Savings

Make a Budget

One of the first things you can do to make sure you keep your savings topped off is making a budget. A good budget is one that spends no dollars frivolously. Sit down and look at your income and make a detailed plan for each dollar you make. Typically, you want to use a 50/30/20 savings plan or something along those lines.

The 50/30/20 plan holds that you should spend 50 percent of your income on necessities, like housing and gas and groceries. Then, you should allocate 30 percent of your finances for wants, frivolous or fun things like movies, going out to eat or going to shows. Finally, twenty percent of your finances should be allocated for your financial goals, like saving money for retirement or a vacation.

Make sure your entire paycheck is allocated before you get it. If every dollar has a place, that makes it much harder for you to spend more money than you should. This means that you’ll find it much easier to save money and grow your savings.

Spend Less on Food

Another way to save money is to spend less when going out to eat food. If you consistently go out to restaurants to eat, you may be spending a lot more on food than you should be. If you instead opt to buy less expensive and more reasonable groceries and eat more at home you can save a lot of money. Then, take the money you saved on eating out and put that in your savings account again!

Another way to help save on food is buy purchasing more fresh food and less junk food. Not only does this mean you’ll eat less garbage and be healthier, but it will help you save a ton of money. Making meals from scratch might take more energy but it helps you save a lot more money..

Investments for Savings

Investments are a great way to grow your savings. If you consistently put money back to save, then you’ll have an ample amount to put towards investments. Investing in the stock market can be easy through online sites that offer advice to new investors. Investments aren’t exactly guaranteed money, but they can be a safe way to grow your money if you use managed portfolios or conservative investments.

Other investments that people commonly use to grow their savings are 401 (K) accounts or Roth accounts. These retirement accounts are taxed differently than normal savings accounts and are thus often much better for long-term savings. They tend to grow at a slow but steady rate and are very dependable for long-term money growth. The sooner you begin investing in these kinds of account, the better! The longer you have interest compounding in these accounts, the more money you’ll have when you go to retire.

Savings Accounts

There are many different types of savings accounts, and some are better than others for growing your savings. Generally speaking, when you put investments into a savings account, the size of the investment influences the interest rates. Interest rates and fees can all change based on what type of savings account and how much money you’re looking to put in it.

A great way to make sure your savings grow over time is through scheduled regular deposits. Depending on how much you want to save, you can set a regular amount of money to be drafted from your checking to your savings. This ensures that your money consistently goes into your savings and that any interest you could accrue is consistently being applied.


The most important thing about saving is consistency. If you’re always keeping a close eye on your savings, depositing money into your account and sticking to your budget, it will become like second nature to you. The best thing about saving is that it is a life-long habit that will ensure you have as much money saved back as you need, no matter what happens!

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