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How to Keep your Dog Calm During Fireworks How to Keep your Dog Calm During Fireworks
If you live in a state where commercial fireworks are legal, and you have dogs, this is probably your least favorite time of year.... How to Keep your Dog Calm During Fireworks

If you live in a state where commercial fireworks are legal, and you have dogs, this is probably your least favorite time of year. Fireworks are bad for the environment, of course, and terrible for wildlife. Not to mention, they cause most domestic pets to panic and potentially cause harm to themselves or others. Here are a few quick tips to help sooth your pets while the fireworks are going off.

Masking Sounds of Fireworks

One great method to help your pup feel calmer during fireworks shows is to mask the sound. Turn up the TV or crank up the tunes, hop on the couch and snuggle with your buddy. Give them tons of treats and affection and try to just keep their mind off the explosions outside.

If your dog isn’t big on cuddling on the couch, or doesn’t like loud music, there’s another version of this technique. Go into a bedroom with lots of soft, sound-absorbing things like pillows and blankets. Grab a huge box fan and crank it up. This will provide a ton of loud white noise. Then, get in the floor and play with your dog and keep them distracted from the otherwise-distressing noise.

Comforting Pressure

Some dogs can’t handle loud sounds at all, so masking it is not an option. For dogs like that, pressure is the best way to keep them calm. Not a lot, mind you, just enough to be reassuring. For a smaller dog, wrap them in a blanket and just sooth them the way you normally would.

For a larger dog who you can’t hold tight in a blanket, you’ll have to get a bit more creative. Such a dog will need a special compression vest or suit, several of which are available online or in pet stores. Find one that’s the right size for your dog and slip them into it before the fireworks start.

I sincerely hope these suggestions help you and your dog. With luck, no one’s pup will run away or hurt themselves this year. Until then, have a safe and happy 4th of July.

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