Good Find Guru
Nintendo Adorably Introduces VR to the Switch
When Nintendo introduced Labo, the adorable toy-craft add-on for Nintendo Switch, most people thought it was a fun diversion for the kids. Now, Nintendo has released a full-blown VR experience that the user builds out of the Labo Toy-Con kits. How does it stack up against dedicated VR? Nintendo... Read more
PC Roundup: The Best PCs for Oculus Rift
The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset is an amazing way to experience immersive video games. Virtual reality experiences have been around for some time, but they are now more accessible than ever. In fact, they’re more accessible than you might think! Today we’re rounding up some of the best... Read more
Microsoft HoloLens 2 Could Be The VR Evolution
They Said it, we know it, the Microsoft HoloLens 2 is coming. As itis said, It will arrive packing Qualcomm’s powerful XR1 chipset that’s designed for the next gen VR and AR experiences. In the guts of the Microsoft HoloLens 2 augmented/mixed-reality headset is stated to be an amazing... Read more
Interested in Losing Yourself in Another World? Check out our Favorite VR Laptops
Since VR-capable computers tend to be very hefty machines, they are commonly desktops. However, what’s the fun of a VR set-up if you can’t show it off to your friends? Nothing’s quite as cool as showing up to a friend’s house and letting them try out VR. Parties were people... Read more
7 New Products From Samsung
I tend to focus on what Apple is doing alot more because I live in that bubble but Samsung has got a much bigger universe but occuping the appliace and tv space. They also seem to have their fingers in just about evey pie you could think of, so... Read more
HTC Vive? Sure, if You’ve Got The PC for it…
The Good Stunning visuals very responsive and interactive gaming world lasting fun and very immersive experience The Bad A powerful gaming is needed to enjoy the full experience Using the Vive can take some getting used to, mind your surroundings Costly gaming product The conclusion I found the HTC... Read more