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The Best Moisturizers to Combat Winter Dry Skin The Best Moisturizers to Combat Winter Dry Skin
It’s that time of year when the air is dry and your skin is feeling it. If you get bad Winter dry skin, you’re... The Best Moisturizers to Combat Winter Dry Skin

It’s that time of year when the air is dry and your skin is feeling it. If you get bad Winter dry skin, you’re probably looking for a good moisturizer to fight it. But where do you start?

It can seem so difficult finding a decent moisturizer that actually keeps your skin from being so dry without feeling greasy or filmy. If you’re looking for a great skin moisturizer, look no further. Today we’re rounding up some of the best moisturizers to combat winter dry skin!

The Best Moisturizers to Combat Winter Dry Skin

What to Look For

What makes for a good moisturizer, though? It can be hard for a lay person to find what kind of moisturizer they need, as the answer is a bit more complex and jargon-filled than you’d expect. What you need is a moisturizer that has a balance of humectant, emollient, and occlusive ingredients. Let’s explain those terms a bit.

Humectants act like sponges, binding water to the outer skin layer and keeping your skin moist. Ingredients like glycerin are humectants. Emollients are ingredients like natural oils that help smooth your skin out. Finally, occlusive are ingredients like petroleum that help to form a seal around your skin and lock in the moisture, protecting your skin from drying out.

What to Avoid

There are also a few ingredients that you’re going to want to really avoid if you can help it. For instance, you should really stay away from exfoliating ingredients like acids or scrubbing beads. These ingredients might sound like a good idea for flaky, dry skin but they will likely result in further drying your skin out. That’s the opposite of what you want!

Another pair of ingredients to avoid are retinol and retinyl palmitate. These are both known to further dry out skin in people who already have dry skin. If you’re curious about which moisturizers are the best for you, we’ll give you a few examples of brands you could try.

Aveeno Positively Radiant MaxGlow No-Mess Sleep Face Mask

A highly-rated face-mask moisturizer, this one comes highly recommended by users. User reviews rave of the soothing, hydrating properties. If you wake up with dry skin on your face in the winter, consider using this face mask. It’s a great way to keep your complexion hydrated, youthful and glowing!

You can find this product for sale on Amazon for roughly $18.

St. Ives Cocoa Butter and Vanilla Bean Hand and Body Lotion

Cocoa butter is well-known for its great softening properties and makes for wonderful skin moisturizing and protection. This particular product is a great example of that! The natural scent is wonderful and soothing, while the ingredients are great for your skin. The natural emollient properties are wonderful and remarked upon by many user reviews.

This product is available for sale in many retailers, including in-store and online. For instance, you can grab it on Amazon for around $3. That’s a great price for a product that works this well!

Boots No7 Beautiful Skin Night Cream for Dry/Very Dry

This face cream is a great option for many who suffer from dry skin. According to user reviews, it’s a wonderful product and well-worth the price. This night cream includes ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, and ceramides, making it a great example of the types of things you want in a moisturizer. This product will replace your skin’s lost moisture and lock it in so the dry weather has a lessened effect on you.

You can find this one online for around $34 if you go through Amazon. It’s a bit pricey, but according to the review it’s well-worth the price.

CeraVe Skin Renewing Night Cream

Niacinamide, one of the main ingredients in this night cream, is a great way to help even out skin color. This is a skin cream that is considered excellent for seasonal winter dry skin. That’s because it packs all the ingredients you need to replenish your skin’s moisture, repair damaged skin cells and lock in the moisture throughout the day. This is a product that helps you not have to use it anymore!

If you’re looking to pick up some of your own, then you can go through Amazon and get some for $12.

Other Options

Other things you can do to help your skin during the winter is to take shorter showers and use less hot water during your shower. Very hot showers have been shown to dry out skin, and could be working to counter the moisturizer you’re using to re-hydrate your skin.

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