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Best 2019 Resolutions for Women’s Health Best 2019 Resolutions for Women’s Health
If you’ve ever made a list of overly ambitious and ridiculous New Year’s resolutions, you’re probably familiar with the cold feeling you get when... Best 2019 Resolutions for Women’s Health

If you’ve ever made a list of overly ambitious and ridiculous New Year’s resolutions, you’re probably familiar with the cold feeling you get when you abandon them in February. However, there’s good news: there are more reasonable resolutions you can make and stick to. Today we’re going to look at some of the best 2019 resolutions for women’s health. These are the resolutions you’re finally going to keep. Just don’t forget: you do these things because you want to, not because you have to!

Best 2019 Resolutions for Women’s Health

Walk 1,000 Steps More

Every day you should be adding another 1,000 steps to your current step amount. If you don’t have a fitness tracker yet, it’s time to get one. They’re a great way to keep track of your workouts, steps and calories burned. Once you have one you can keep a close track of how much you walk on a given day. Now that you have that information, you should now be adding 1,000 steps to each day’s walk.

If you normally take a short drive to the corner store after work, walk it instead. If you don’t already, start taking walks around your neighborhood. Stand at your desk, take a walk around the office. Just walk. Steps are great for you! They get your blood pumping and help you stay in an active mindset for when it’s time to really work out.

Take it Week by Week

Bust out your calendar and start planning your workouts. You’re going to want to take things day by day. It’s much easier to plan as little as two or three weeks ahead and take things at your own pace. Make a habit of opening your planner, adding workouts to the weeks ahead, and then executing what’s on your calendar. This will help you not only manage your time but also stay motivated to keep hitting your fitness goals.

It’s often good to execute this resolution with a workout buddy. Find someone who already has a fitness routine or is trying to start one. Then, working with them, plan out workouts the two of you can do together. It’s way harder to give up on your fitness goals if you’ve got a buddy keeping you accountable!

Target Your Core

Rather than vaguely resolving to get in shape, make a real plan. Target your core, as it’s a great place to start. Many women loath their bellies, so this is a good place to begin your focus. Your core is your center in more ways than one: it’s also the center of your movements. You should start by really locking in your workouts that focus on the center of your body and musculature.

You can do this by focusing on exercises like crunches, curls and planks. Get used to doing these exercises at home every day before work. If you get in the habit of forcing yourself to wake up and do core workouts, you’ll find more fitness goals coming into clear focus. It’s not hard to get a handle on your fitness, you just need to focus.

Morning Workouts

When you first wake up, do you lay in bed for a few minutes waking up? Or do you begin your day with a workout? While we’re not saying you need to run a marathon before work, waking up and getting physical is a surefire way to get in the right mindset for the day. Wake up and do a few home workouts, like incline pushups or squats. We already mentioned core exercises, and those apply here too.

If you live in an area that’s safe to jog in, consider getting a morning jog in before work. A brisk, ten-minute run around your street can be a great way to wake your body up and set you up for fitness success!

Eat One Meatless Meal per Day

Try eating one meal with only plant-based foods every day. This might sound tough at first, but make it fun! You can make tons of delicious meals with plant-based ingredients. No only will you save money on food but you’ll also increase your personal fitness. Not to mention, plant-based diets are more sustainable for the planet in the long-term, and they’re largely more ethical.

It’s not easy to dive head-first into a new lifestyle. Take these resolutions a day at a time and make your health a top priority throughout your day. Remember, you’ve got to start somewhere. So, start here. You’ve got this! Just take your fitness and health seriously and make it a priority.

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