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Weird New Uses for Botox Injections Weird New Uses for Botox Injections
Uses for Botox Injections are one of the most commonly administered aesthetic procedures in the United States. Although the treatment is a popular method... Weird New Uses for Botox Injections

Uses for Botox Injections are one of the most commonly administered aesthetic procedures in the United States. Although the treatment is a popular method that is used to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also be used to ease migraines, excessive sweating and a few other conditions. When Botox is injected, it is priced two different ways: By the vial or unit. By the area, such as the area between the eyes, where frown lines are often treated with Botox.

Injections: They’re a popular topic and yet still shrouded in mystery and a veritable amount of secrecy. Most of us venture to a consultation or decide against them without actually knowing much information—how much they cost, what to expect during an appointment, or what the results will be. Because we’re not willing to openly and freely discuss it (or have been taught not to), more often than not these conversations occur through a series of unanswered questions. Like sexual education, relying on abstinence is never going to be enough. We want to feel confident, look good, and make our own choices, and as such, that often leads to investing in modern skincare techniques. Lets take a look at 3 weird new uses for Botox injections.

Fix that Gummy Smile with Botox Injections.

There are some individuals who are using Botox to fix their gummy smiles, which is when an individual’s teeth are overpowered by disproportionate gum tissue. These individuals have Botox to keep the lip from raising too much when they smile.

Botox Injection to Extend Your Blowouts

A new trend is emerging where women are getting Botox in their scalp to extend their blowouts, and they don’t have to wash hair in between workouts. This works by injecting the Botox in to the sweat glands in the scalp. Giving you control of sweat from the scalp segion. The primary benefit of having Botox injections in the scalp is to control sweat from the top and back of the head. … A scalp is an active place for many different body functions.

Premature Ejaculation

Injecting Botox into the penis might relax the muscle and delay ejaculation; Allergan is currently testing Botox for this issue. The company also holds a patent for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which is currently being tested in a third-party clinical trial.


When Botox is injected, it is priced two different ways. By the vial or unit ($12 per unit, $15 per vial) or By the area. Such as the area between the eyes, where frown lines are often treated with Botox ($450 — $800 for an area)The decision to use a given number of units or vials, or to treat an entire area. This  depends on the discretion of the provider. Some places have a required minimum purchase

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