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H1Z1 Open Beta Begins on PS4 (Finally) H1Z1 Open Beta Begins on PS4 (Finally)
The zombie-shooting survival game that metamorphized into a battle royale shooter finally hit PS4 in open beta. If you’ve somehow missed the battle royale craze, it’s a genre of shooting... H1Z1 Open Beta Begins on PS4 (Finally)

The zombie-shooting survival game that metamorphized into a battle royale shooter finally hit PS4 in open beta. If you’ve somehow missed the battle royale craze, it’s a genre of shooting game where a large number of players are airdropped onto a map and fight to see who will be the last man standing. Based on the popular Japanese novel (and then movie) Battle Royale, the genre was first popularized by a game called PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds. PUBG was followed by the absurdly popular Fortnite, which is itself a zombie survival game that split off to become a battle royale shooter. 

What’s the Hold Up? 

If the name H1Z1 sounds familiar, it might be due to the game’s somewhat complex development cycle. Beginning its life as a zombie-themed survival-shooter in the same vein as Left 4 Dead, the game experienced several delays. The game’s popular mode King of the Kill would come to be repurposed as a standalone battle royale game. The original, once called H1Z1, is now called Just Survive and is an entirely different game from this. 

Seeking to follow in the footsteps of PUBG and Fortnite, H1Z1 is finally available in Open Beta on the PS4. It’s been on Windows in Early Access for a few months now, but this marks its first console outing. It is slated to receive an Xbox port later this year. 


 Murderous Mayhem 

The controls, which have been described as “sluggish” on PC, have received a bit of a face lift on PS4. Sporting tighter and more responsive controls, the game is as fun as ever with the DualShock 4 controller. This is great news for any concerned that the switch from mouse and keyboard would lead to a worse overall experience for players. The fast-paced action H1Z1 is known for remains intact on PS4. 

The game sees groups of 100 players (or more) parachuting to a remote location to fight it out. Your choice of strategy will influence your odds of coming out on top: do you choose to find a big gun and go hunting for players? Or will you lay low with a long-range rifle? Or will you (like me) hide in a building with a shotgun and hope no one finds you? The answers to these questions will shape the ever-unfolding action! 

How Does it Stack Up? 

Compared to its main competitors, H1Z1 is a fine game. Featuring more realistic graphics like PUBG, but more arcade-style shooting like Fortnite, H1Z1 strikes a great balance. Central to the late-game section of the battle is the presence of numerous vehicles. Teams can often hop in a battle wagon and take off looking to ride down any stragglers, leading to intense, Mad Max-style showdowns. If you like fast-paced and frenetic action, as opposed to the more plodding style of PUBG, this game has you covered. 

H1Z1 features a somewhat bare-bones crafting system. While you won’t be building any Fortnite-style bases, you can make bandages and other small supplies. These won’t be making any huge impact on the game, but they’re interesting for those inclined to building.  

Will You Come Out on Top in H1Z1? 

H1Z1 is available now on PS4 as an open beta. If you think you’ve got what it takes to come out on the top of the heap, go give it a shot! It’s completely free, so you’re a download away from getting into the action! 

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